Those of you that read my article in February on Why more York pubs could soon disappear, will know of the campaign to bring in government legislation to make the big pub companies treat their tenants better.
As a sign that at least one half of the coalition is taking this subject seriously, the Liberal Democrat conference at York Barbican is debating on Saturday a motion to ensure “A Better, Fairer, More Sustainable Future for British Pubs”.
To coincide with the conference and as part of the conference fringe, there is a Fair Deal For Your Local campaign event open to the public at The Rook & Gaskill on Saturday starting at 7.30pm.
The guest speaker is one of the most widely acknowledged pub campaigners in parliament – Greg Mulholland MP.
Named as CAMRA’s Parliamentary Campaigner Of The Year, Greg is well known to many publicans and is leading the Fair Deal For Your Local campaign nationally to try and introduce government legislation that will ensure:
- market rent only (free of tie option) and guest beer options for licensees of large pubcos
- a powerful code and adjudicator to monitor large pubcos and end abuses
The event on Saturday evening will represent a unique opportunity for York drinkers to meet Greg, who will be at the event from 7.30pm to 9pm to meet licencees and the general public to discuss the campaign and get feedback.
The Rook & Gaskill on Lawrence Street is one of York’s great real ale pubs, with eight real ales always on draught and I’ll certainly be heading down there on Saturday evening to hear what Greg has to say and sample what’s on offer.