Students from Manor Church of England Academy are celebrating fantastic GCSE results today.
Some 79% of students achieved the benchmark of 9-4 in English and maths with 20% achieving grades 9-7. Results in the combined GCSE English exam were high with 90% achieving grades 9-4 in Language, Literature or both, and 39% achieving grades 9-7.
In mathematics 81% achieved grades 9-4 with 28% of students achieving grades 9-7.
Across the year there were 29 students who achieved 5 or more grade 8 or 9 results with 37 students achieving at least one grade 9.
There were a significant number of students whose progress from Key Stage 2 was also well above the national average.
Principal Simon Barber was naturallys hugely pleased. He said:
We are so pleased and proud to receive these results and to be able to celebrate the outcomes of the class of 2019.
They are the result of a huge amount of hard work from our students and staff over five years and that hard work has really paid off.
On behalf of all the staff at Manor I’d like to congratulate our students on their achievements and we look forward to celebrating with them later in the year.