York’s unique relationship with New York is to be celebrated with a gift hand made in our city.
A ledger stone carved by a Minster stonemason will be presented to the St George’s Society of New York by York’s Company of Merchant Adventurers to mark a special anniversary.
Next year marks 100 years since New York presented York with a bronze plaque to mark the two cities’ unique bond. It is displayed in York’s Guildhall.
The ledger stone will be presented in New Year in 2024 to celebrate the centenary. It will also signify the formal affiliation between the Merchant Adventurers and the St George’s Society.
Links between the UK and US cities date back to 1664 when New York was named.
The ledger stone, an inscribed stone slab usually laid into the floor of a church, has been specially crafted by stonemason Richard Bossons, who was responsible for the statue of Queen Elizabeth II unveiled at York Minster by the King.
The stone will be unveiled by the Duke of Gloucester, patron of the St George’s Society, in the Merchant Adventurers’ Hall on 11 July.
Afterwards, the plaque and ledger stone will be displayed at York Guildhall before the stone is shipped to New York early next year.
Then, on 5 May, 2024, the Archbishop of York will unveil the stone at the Church of St Thomas in New York, which has links to York Minster.
Dean of York the Very Reverend Dominic Barrington said: “York and New York have long collaborated on the international stage, forging connections between each city’s world-renowned institutions, including universities, businesses and cultural establishments.
“We’re delighted to be commemorating the centenary of this historic moment, and in particular to be doing so by showcasing the heritage craft skills of our talented team of stonemasons, whose efforts are absolutely crucial for ensuring a sustainable future for the Minster.”
Joe Horsley, governor of the Company of Merchant Adventurers, said: “This commitment of affiliation is a significant strengthening of our company and the St Georges Society, with whom we share values, charitable efforts and provide a place of fellowship for and between our members.”
President of the St George’s Society of New York David Drinkwater added: “We are delighted that the allegiance between our two cities continues to blossom and that our pact to help those in need remains unwavering.”
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