A York schools trust embroiled in a row over a suspended teacher has accused parents of spreading “misinformation and disinformation”.
Excel Learning Trust was responding to a campaign for Millthorpe School to reinstate teacher Joe Brothers. According to parents he was suspended after he spoke out against budget cuts.
The trust, formerly South Bank Multi Academy Trust, has been criticised not only for its approach to Mr Brothers, but to its salary structure and the impact of budget cuts on students.
A petition to reinstate Mr Brothers has garnered more than 1,100 signatures, and parents organised a film screening last week as part of their campaign.
In repsonse the Excel Learning Trust said “public meetings will not influence the operation of our schools as these are run by our school leaders, not the public”.
A spokesperson from Excel Learning Trust reiterated that they couldn’t comment on Mr Brothers’ situation as employment matters were confidential.
But they added the “proper procedures are always followed in all employment related matters irrespective of the views of any third party”.
The spokesperson added: “We would, however, like to urge certain members of our community to consider the impact of ongoing anti-academy rhetoric.

“We respect that not everyone supports multi academy trusts or agrees with, or fully understands, every decision made.
“However, repeated misinformation and disinformation only serve to undermine the hard work of our staff and leaders at all levels in all of our schools.
“We also respect that people may wish to hold public meetings on a range of matters, however it is important that they understand that public meetings will not influence the operation of our schools as these are run by our school leaders, not the public.
“We will always do what is right and we put the best interests of our pupils at the heart of our decision making.
“We agree that there are funding challenges in schools. However, this is the case for all schools, whether they are part of a local authority or within a multi-academy trust.
“Our schools manage resources exceptionally well and we invite anyone who would like to see our schools in action to arrange a visit.
“We are proud of our trust and our family of schools, their successes and the array of incredible opportunities made available to our pupils every day. These are far from simply ‘superficial’.
“Over the last three years, all of our schools have been judged as good or outstanding by Ofsted, outcomes and attainment are improving across the board, attendance has improved, suspensions have decreased and we have a reinforced central team who work with our schools every day on matters such as SEND, school improvement, estates, finance and HR.

“We are very proud of our skilled, experienced colleagues across our Trust who work so hard to make all of this possible, and we respectfully ask that they are allowed to focus on their vital roles without undue disruption.”
One of the organisers of the film screening said in response: “It is upsetting, but unsurprising that Excel Academy Trust continue to dismiss the well-founded concerns of parents, staff and the local community – all of whom want only the best for their children’s education and the schools they attend.
“The event was to show support for Mr Brothers, a popular and respected teacher, suspended for drawing attention to education funding issues, in his role as a union rep.
“Unfortunately, the leadership of Excel Learning Trust believe they are unaccountable to the community they serve. Given how the Trust speak about those who question its actions, it is unsurprising that many are too afraid to speak out.”