Here’s a reason to jump for joy – York’s popular trampoline park has reopened.
Previously known as Energi, it is now called Point Zero – but it still boasts 90 inter-connected trampolines at its base on Rose Avenue, Poppleton.
It reopened on Saturday just in time for half-term, and promises to be “the awesome fun packed facility it was previously – expect the best customer experience for all the family”.
Company director Aaron Cook said: “Now, despite the lack of financial support and backing from really anywhere, we have secured the very best in Covid protection with world class suppliers.
“Our facility goes beyond the government guidelines in so much that we have introduced brand new protective coverings for all our foam pits.
“And the whole park has been treated with EnviraSheilding Protection System which provides 90 days virus protection on all touchable surfaces.”
There are also one-way systems, extra sanitising stations and protective screens “to go above and beyond to ensure our staff, you and your family feel comfortable whilst here”.
During the current restrictions Point Zero will be operating on a much reduced capacity and strongly advise booking online – the website is here.