It’s not a white Christmas but a relatively warm Christmas in York this year.
Temperatures are set to get into double figures, peaking at 10°C today (Christmas Day).
Some rain is forecast for the morning, with a drier afternoon in prospect.
Predicted highs of 13 to 14C in London and the south-east of England would make it the mildest Christmas Day since 2016, when temperatures reached 15.1C.
The average maximum temperature for December is 7C.
Met Office forecaster Dan Stroud said: “It’s unlikely to be a record-breaker in terms of warmth but still very mild nevertheless.
“The reason for that is we’re drawing our weather from the mid-Atlantic which is typically a very warm direction for us.”
Boxing Day will be dry with sunny intervals, with a top temperature of 8°C.
Looking ahead a week, New Year’s Eve will be colder, with reaching 5°C during the day and dropping to 1°C at night. Sleet showers are also forecast.
New Year’s Day will bring light rain and a top temperature of 7°C.