This is the last week in which York police station’s front counter will open till 10pm.
From Monday (October 15), the counter will close two hours earlier, and run from 8am to 8pm.
This will have no impact on the 24-hour operation of the station which remains unchanged.
North Yorkshire Police say fewer than four people a day use the Fulford Road station during these hours.
Saving cash
By closing earlier the force will save on costs, said Chief Constable Lisa Winward:
Like other police forces and public services, budgets are very tight, so we are looking at lots of ways reduce our costs, and prioritize the services that matter most in keeping the public safe.
This change to front counter opening times is part of that process, and we look forward to being able to reinvest the savings into frontline police resources, which are badly needed.
The same reduction in front counter times is being brought in at Harrogate and Scarborough. Total savings are put at £150,000.
“Our front counter team provide an excellent service, but it does not make sense for them to be staffing the front counter when they’re rarely being used,” said North Yorkshire’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan.