A York paedophile has been jailed for seven years for sexually abusing a young girl whose life had been completely ripped apart by his predatory behaviour.
John Patrick Steenson, 60, from Jewbury, subjected his victim to acts which had a devastating and lifelong effect on her, York Crown Court heard.
Prosecutor Jeremy Hill-Baker said that Steenson had repeatedly abused the youngster by forcing her to perform sex acts on him at a property in York.
When the victim first made allegations about Steenson in 2003, it was not followed up because it was thought she was “too young to give any evidence”.
It took the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, another 17 years to come forward to police again, but when Steenson was brought in for questioning, he vehemently denied the allegations.
He was charged with two counts of gross indecency with a child but pleaded not guilty, which meant the victim had to endure the ordeal of a trial.
A jury found Steenson guilty on both counts and he appeared for sentence yesterday (Thursday, 14 March) knowing his fate was sealed.
Mr Hill-Baker said that one of the charges related to indecency with a child on multiple occasions and the other was one incident. The offences occurred between late 2003 and early 2004.
The victim said the abuse became “routine” over a five-month period.
In her early childhood, she didn’t realise why she was so angry because she was so young to understand what had happened to her.
By her teens, she was suffering with anxiety and depression. Later in life, she started to come to terms with what had happened to her and came forward to police.
Unhealthy interest

Steenson’s sexual predilection for children was evidenced even before his conviction for abusing the girl when he was convicted in 2022 of making and distributing indecent images of minors, for which he received a suspended prison sentence, a rehabilitation programme and a sexual-harm prevention order.
However, his online behaviour had been more long-lasting, as evidenced by the caution he received in 2006 for making indecent images of children.
The victim said the devastating effects on her had seeped into adulthood and had led to depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Her schooling and mental health had been profoundly affected and she had since suffered problems forming relationships.
Defence barrister Nicholas Hammond said that Steenson had held down a job for most of his adult life and was now in poor health.
Judge Simon Hickey told Steenson: “You clearly have an unhealthy interest in young children.”
He described the impact on the victim as “severe”, adding: “She’s still suffering with mental-health issues…and she’s having to fight these issues for the rest of her life.”
Steenson was jailed for seven years but will only serve half of that sentence behind bars before being released on prison licence.
He was ordered to sign on the sex-offenders’ register for life and made subject to a sexual-harm prevention order to curb his online activities and contact with children.