Plans to unveil a new statue of the Queen in York will be discussed with the Royal Household.
We reported last month that the statue, commissioned for the front of York Minster and created by stone mason Richard Bossons, was due to be unveiled on Friday, 23 September.
The ceremony would see the Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell bless the statue at the West Front of the cathedral.
Given that this is now in the same week as the Queen’s funeral, on Monday, 19 September, the date is now in doubt.
A spokesperson for York Minster said a decision on the unveiling will be taken after the official period of national mourning is completed, and after consultation with the Royal Household.
The statue is already in place. It was installed in its niche on the West Front of the Minster on 2 August. Until the unveiling ceremony, the statue will be covered by a large cloth.

‘Sculpting the Monarch’ a new exhibition in the Minster’s North Transept, will also open when the statue is unveiled. It tells the story of the making of the statue.
A full-sized model of the statue will dominate the exhibition.
It is the first phase of a wider scheme of urban regeneration at the West Front of the Minster to create a new public square and civic space. Queen Elizabeth Square will be the first new public square in York in 200 years.
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