As the first preview for a comedy film written and shot in York goes online, producer Steve Shooter has this update
You may be wondering what is happening with the film I have been involved in making – Transatlantic Smash. You weren’t? Oh, well, time for an update anyway!
The last few months have seen our co-director Spencer Vale locked in the editing room (against his will) putting together a rough cut of our musical comedy film.
When last the cast were assembled, it was a sunny Monday afternoon, which we spent in the dark of Fibbers (who we have to thank for allowing us to film there!) shooting on the stage and backstage areas.
These scenes will form a big part of a subplot I’m not allowed to talk about yet, sorry! Since then it is all about nailing down the rough version of the film and working out what we have left to film.
There will be a few pick up shots happening over the next couple of months, as well as a couple of super secret celebrity cameos, which, if we can arrange them, will be a great coup for us.

If you watch our trailer above then you will see the core of our cast, topped off by a special guest appearance from West End star Nicola Brazil (currently starring in Jersey Boys).
We have had such support from everyone involved, be it investors, venues, actors, hotels or my wife, letting us film in our living room!
I know I’m not alone in being really excited to show everyone the finished product. I’m taking it as a good sign that I was present (and indeed wielded the camera a lot) for almost all of the filming and when I first saw the trailer I did an actual big belly laugh. When you have a belly like mine, that is a big laugh!
Hopefully we will have a final update for you when we have shot the last couple of scenes, and there will be news on screenings and exciting events around the film! In the meantime, enjoy the trailer…
And you can follow the action on our Twitter feed @TSmashMovie or by heading over to the website of Fossgate Studios.