Changes and updates to the plans for York Central have been submitted to the city council.
York Central Partnership has added new information to support the outline planning application for the teardrop site behind the station.
Documents to be published on the City of York Council planning portal on Wednesday (30 January) include revisions to the proposals and supplementary information on a range of matters including transport, design and drainage.
These will now undergo a 30-day public consultation period as part of the planning process. The documents will be available to view via the City of York’s planning website.
Responding to feedback
The partnership says the updated plans respond to comments from the community, stakeholders and interested parties submitted over the past four months.
It includes:
- increased office floor space
- changes to the Design Guide “to enhance the high-quality nature of York Central”
- revised transport modelling
- more information on public transport, pedestrian and cyclist accessibility
- more info about the flood risk, noise and air quality implications
- further details and evidence about the Leeman Road diversion.
Tamsin Hart-Jones, project lead for York Central, said:
A development of York Central’s size and complexity is unprecedented in York’s history and naturally raises lots of questions.
We have been working closely with the planning authority to respond to these enquiries and to provide further information whenever it has been asked for.
The partnership anticipates that the outline planning application will be considered at Planning Committee in March 2019.
The revised timings on the outline planning application “do not impact the funding and deliverability of the scheme”.
If the outline planning application is approved, the partnership will seek permission for the details of the main access road into and across the York Central site.