A woman from Thirsk has warned people about the dangers of eating raw elderberries after she became violently ill
Clare Fairweather says she was on a walk and they looked tempting.
She says she didn’t know raw berries could produce a reaction.
It appears that elderberries contain a cyanide inducing glycoside which can build up in the body causing illness. They are fine when properly prepared as a foods cooking destroys the poison.
Claire told YorkMix Radio: “It was a hot day, and I had been camping.
“I hadn’t got a drink with me and was feeling quite thirsty. and I saw these nice plump looking berries.
“I’ve heard of elderberries being used in foods before so I thought well, I know that they ARE elderberries, so I just had a few handfuls of them.
“They tasted really nice to me they were very juicy and quite sweet, like a cross between a blackcurrant and a bramble. Big mistake!

“By the time I’d reached the town and had a bit of water, I was feeling very ill and I was violently sick
“Apparently I was quite lucky to be just sick!
“My breathing was very heavy and after I’d been sick, I took a long sleep and after that I was feeling feeling a lot better. I feel a haven’t asked for any medical attention as I’m better now.”
She spoke out to let others know of the dangers.
“I thought I would talk about this as I wanted to warn others especially as people do go foraging at this time of year,” Claire said.
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