A petrol station’s plans to extend their opening hours will stop schoolchildren from doing their homework, according to a resident.
Penny Petroleum has applied for a licence for its outlet on Strensall Road to open and sell alcohol from 6am until 11pm every day.
But a neighbour objected to the plans, saying they fear the long opening hours will keep their children awake and increase the risk of crime.
The letter said: “We have two young boys and this extension of noise would impair their ability to sleep and also concentrate on considerable homework from Bootham School.”
‘Total lack of police’
A report prepared for the council’s licensing committee says CCTV will be installed at the petrol station and there will be no alcohol on display within three metres of the store entrance.
A notice asking customers to leave quietly will also be displayed.
The objection letter said there was already considerable noise from the garage at both 7am and 9pm daily, and to extend these hours “will only make matters worse”, adding:
We already incur loud noise from the general public and army personnel, especially at night, and we often have to clean up beer cans and bottles from the previous evening.
As there is a total lack of police presence in Strensall, we consider late night opening hours will increase the risk of crime and disorder.
The post office handles large amounts of cash, stamps etc, which must be a temptation to criminals. I hope Penny Petroleum have advised the post office of this proposal.
The application will be discussed at a meeting at West Offices on Thursday (January 10) at 10am.