This is York Station as you’ve never seen it before – in perfect miniature.
It has been created by retired Royal Engineer Giles Baxter and is stunning down to the tiniest detail.
Mr Baxter has shared his story with British Railway Modelling magazine – who also produced this great video of the model.
The layout is 31ft by 26ft and is based on the station in 1958. It has been built in an outbuilding at Giles’s home.
The centrepiece is the amazing curved roof of the station. Giles explains in the video this was a three man job, including himself, an architect friend who designed it, and Peter Smith of Kirtley models who created it in kit form.
Peter was responsible for other buildings including York Station Hotel.
In his article for the November issue of the magazine, Giles says: “York has held a fascination for many years, I have no idea why, and for 30 years it was just a pipe dream.

“That all changed when we found a house with an outbuilding previously converted into a garage, providing a space of 31ft x 26ft.
The few models of York that I have seen in the model press tend to focus on the southern end, with its conventional station throat, but I always felt the northern end, with the divergence of lines to Darlington and to Scarborough over the Ouse Bridge and the Waterworks Crossing, presented a more interesting challenge.
“And then came lockdown, and work proceeded at pace.
“‘York’ is not finished by a long chalk. What you see here is a snapshot of progress to date, and I will send in updates over the years to come.”
The model is 1:76 scale and 16.5mm gauge.
You can buy the magazine and read the full article here.
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