A supplier spilled cooking oil over a street in York city centre yesterday (Wednesday).
But the company involved said they treated the spillage immediately.
Compact Oils spilled the cooking oil on Back Swinegate. David Skaith, owner of Winstons of York on the street, said the result was “slippy as hell”.
He asked if the York BID’s rapid response cleansing team could sort it. They responded by putting sand down, returning later to clean up the rest.
But Compact Oils’ boss Neil Lammiman told YorkMix that the spilled oil had been covered up immediately with degreaser by his team, which was the correct response.
That was the residue left on the flagstones. On a rainy day this would be quickly washed away, but there hasn’t been rain since.
He said “accidents happen”, he loved York, and offered to pay for any further cleaning costs. Compact Oils was a responsible company of 15 years’ standing, had a lot of satisfied customers in the city, and a spillage like this was very rare, Neil added.