Plans are in to build a three-storey block of flats on a car park close to central York.
The six flats would be constructed on a car park on Holgate Road, close to the bend where the road joins The Mount.
It will be a ‘simple rectangular’ building with a flat roof, comprising six one-bedroom flats with car parking at the back.
“The proposal would result in the provision of six dwellings which would make a contribution to the supply of housing in the city,” developers say.
“This social benefit is given additional weight given that the council is currently unable to demonstrate a five-year supply of deliverable housing sites.
“The proposal would maximise the use of this currently underutilised plot of land and create new housing in a highly sustainable location. The building is of high quality design and will fill in an uncharacteristic gap in the street.”
Documents say the block of flats “would not result in any harm” to nearby listed buildings.
“The reduced public views of the Dutch gable at the rear of listed 86 The Mount, as a result of erecting a building on the currently open site, have been taken into account in determining the previous applications on the site and no harm was identified.”
They conclude: “Taken together, the social, economic and environmental benefits identified, and the absence of any identified harm, means that the proposal represents sustainable development. In this context, and given the presumption in favour of sustainable development, the application should be permitted without delay.”
The developers are Mr D Gath, Mr M Gath and Mr Black. You can read and comment on the application here.
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