Boris Johnson has left Downing Street to hand his resignation to the Queen.
Giving a speech outside Number 10, he said: “This is it folks. Thank you everybody for coming out so early this morning.
“In only a couple of hours I will be in Balmoral to see Her Majesty the Queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new Conservative leader. He then took a plane to Aberdeen.
“The baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. They changed the rules halfway through, but never mind that now.”
As soon as Mr Johnson began his speech, protesters began playing “Bye Bye Boris” from Kings Charles Street, which runs parallel to Downing Street.
Tory MPs and officials who had gathered at Downing Street to watch the outgoing Prime Minister’s speech laughed as he compared himself to a “booster rocket” jetting off into distant lands as he resigned his post.
Mr Johnson said he would be offering “fervent support” to incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss’ government during a “tough time” for households across the country.
Tory MPs who had gathered to watch his farewell speech at Downing Street broke into cheers as he finished his address.
Mr Johnson held his wife’s hand and shook hands with officials as he left the street to rapturous applause.
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