“He looks as though he airbrushes his teeth three times a day”
“I’m presuming ‘hits’ is an anagram!”
Backstabbing, hidden pregnancy, drugs, sleaze and arson – Lucky 6 is the familiar story of a manufactured pop band of the Nineties and the lengths they will go to to ‘reignite’ their former fame.
The characters may fit to type, (the good looking one, the one who may – or may not – be gay, the one who can sing) but any idea of ‘manufacture’ ends there.
It is difficult to know how much of this fast-paced plot to give away. Spoilers must not be allowed to wreck the band’s performance!
Crackling with with wit

The dialogue never flags, crackling with wit and yet sounding completely natural. Playwright Alison Morgan’s unerring ear keeps us entertained and intrigued.
The acting itself is excellent, particularly Richard Thirlwall as Josh and Sonia di Lorenzo as the edgy, witty recovering alcoholic Zoe.
Josh (Richard Thirlwell) is a contradiction, a pervading presence, absent for much of the action. Why is he missing?
Even when we eventually find out, questions still remain. Of course there is romance (the result of which brings its own problems.)
Marcus Richardson and Naomi Lombard completely convince as erstwhile lovers Danny and Staci, but even here there is apprehension and mystery. (“We’ll tell them what we said ten years ago…”)
Clever touches

Every member of the cast adds their own (often very public) drama, all proving that the only real crisis comes when the spotlight is turned off.
At 45 minutes Lucky 6 proves that a play does not have to be long to make an impact. Alison also directs, drawing huge energy from her young cast.
The stage at the Fulford Arms (where I saw the show) is simple, with sound effects of interviews to add authenticity (the lighting and sound by David Harrison).
A clever touch was the CDs on the audience tables, detailing (of course) the band’s hits and awards, and tour flyers, showing the Lucky 6 of today.
The show will transfer well to Edinburgh (from August 14th-20th) – but remember Lucky 6 (as we know and love them) began here!