Suspicious drone activity in York has led to police urging residents to stay alert.
People have reported drones hovering near or around their homes and business premises in recent days.
A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: “Following recent reports of suspicious drone activity around the Fulford and Heslington area we are encouraging residents to be extra vigilant with their home security.”
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One resident commented: “There was one over ours in Heworth a couple of weeks ago. It hovered a while so I got my phone out to video it and as soon as I did that it flew off.”
Another person called police after “a drone was searching my outbuildings/stables. It hovered over all pausing for a while and I could hear what sounded like the click of a camera noise as if it was taking photographs”.
North Yorkshire Police has issued home security advice in the light of the activity. It says:
- ensure all your windows and doors are locked, including side gates even when you are in your house or garden
- do not leave keys in the lock, this prevents them being hooked through letter boxes
- do not leave valuable items next to doors and windows
- laptops, tablets and other portable devices should be put away out of sight in a secure place.
If you notice any suspicious activity in the area please contact 101 noting down person and vehicle descriptions where possible.