One of two new Harry Potter-themed shops has opened on Shambles.
The World of Wizardry has opened just a few doors down from the street’s original shop based on JK Rowling’s Potterverse, The Shop That Must Not Be Named.
Located in the former Art Shop close to Shambles’ junction with Pavement, The World of Wizardry opened last week selling everything Potter-obsessed muggles might want.
Maps and mugs, hats and wands, broomsticks and backpacks all feature inside.
Gold and red

The shop is one of two being opened by Edinburgh-based souvenir shop chain the Gold Brothers.
They have also combined what used to be BootShoes4U and Something Different into one shop to make The Boy Wizard.
This has been given a bright red frontage, despite the concerns expressed by York conservation officer Edward Freedman at the use of this colour on historic Shambles.
It is due to open next week.

These openings follow the incredible success of The Shop That Must Not Be Named. Opened by York retailer Adam Rodway in May, it has regular seen queues of eager Harry Potter fans queuing round into the market to take a look inside.
It is said that Shambles was the inspiration for the movie version of Diagon Alley, the street in the stories which sells everything a wizard might need.