Review: The Meat Loaf Story
Venue: Grand Opera House, March 13
Steve Steinman rocked into York last night, and as usual had the audience standing, clapping and generally shaking their “thing”.
I’ve seen a number of Steve’s shows over the past few years, and whilst we’ve always enjoyed them, these last couple are missing something. Sadly none of us can put our finger on quite what that is.
He has a loyal following, and most of the audience last night will have previously seen him.
I can only guess that it’s the change in band. I do miss the old band, a group of gorgeous guys from York which included the Miller brothers.
There’s nothing wrong with this new group, I think it’s more that the York guys had that little something extra that I miss now. If you’ve never seen one of Steve’s shows with them then you’d probably just love the show.
One of the things that I love about Steve is the energy and enthusiasm he brings to whichever show he’s performing, and last night was no exception.
He wants the audience to have a great time and goes out of his way to ensure that happens. He loves to joke with the audience, but there’s as much visual humour as there is vocal when he’s on the stage.
Of course he sang all the Meat Loaf favourites, but he treated us to a rarely played song For Crying Out Loud. Steve’s voice really does suit those songs where he’s just singing along with the piano, not that he can’t rock out a great song with the band.
Piano player Nick Jeavons was excellent, I could quite happily have listened to more piano and less guitar all evening.
Throughout the performance there were snippets of video of Meat Loaf on a screen suspended above the stage, and during Objects in the rear view mirror may appear closer than they are we were treated to the full video.
I confess I missed most of the video, as that to me was Steve’s best performance of the evening. I wouldn’t say it’s my favourite Meat Loaf song, there are a lot I’d put ahead of it, but for sheer performance that really did it for me.
Hayley Russell, who played Pandora in Vampires Rock last year, gave a great performance. Her voice this time around much stronger and well matched with Steve’s.
She did a Celine Dion solo, and not only did she sound great but she looked it as well.
I’m afraid I missed the name of the feisty little redhead who performed most of the duets with Steve – she had an awesome voice, great moves and looked like she was having a ball all evening.
Part of Steve’s humour is what I call his “Benny Hill moments”, where he leches after the dancers, and the show between these two didn’t disappoint.
For Paradise By The Dashboard Light Steve donned a high school letter jacket and a long dark wig. It was hilarious. I always love the story he acts out in this number, as well as it being one of my favourite tracks, although I’m sure I’ll be having nightmares for a while thanks to the wig!
Steve’s touring the UK with Vampires Rock again later this year although a York date doesn’t look like it’s been announced yet.
Will I go? Yes. Because, first and foremost Steve Steinman is a great performer, and secondly because it’s a damned good night out for all.