A property company says it has been inundated with inquiries for its refurbished MOD homes in Linton-on-Ouse – despite residents saying house prices have been ‘blighted’ by the asylum centre plan.
Annington is putting six three-bedroom homes on sale in the village north of York this summer.
The village is currently locked in a battle with the Home Secretary over plans to house 1,500 male asylum seekers at the old RAF base.
Some have claimed that this is affecting their ability to sell their houses but the estate agents selling these homes say there is huge interest.
Branch manager at William H Brown Karen Watson said: “Our office has been inundated with enquiries since the boards went up in May.
“Linton-on-Ouse is an extremely desirable location, thanks to its rural setting, and the properties themselves tick the right boxes for pretty much every buyer.
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“We’re seeing lots of interest from first time buyers and young families all the way to downsizers – it’s already a busy market and we expect these properties to be snapped up very quickly.”
The former MOD-properties have been refurbished throughout by Annington. Prices start from £245,000.
Sales and marketing manager at Annington Louise Saunders said: “These refurbished homes are being released to the market at a competitive price, at a time where we are seeing a shortage of three-bedroom homes on a national level.”
To find out more about the properties for sale in Linton-on-Ouse, please contact the allocated selling agent William H Brown on 01904 769991.
The Home Office said earlier this month that it has made “no final decision” on plans for the asylum centre in the village.
Hambleton District Council said it was seeking a judicial review of the proposals amid significant opposition from residents.