Reform UK has ditched its candidates for both York seats at the next general election.
Julie Wilson and Tommy Cawkwell have been removed as candidates for Reform UK at the next general election after they became “inactive”.
Ms Wilson was the candidate for York Outer, while Mr Cawkwell was the candidate for York Central.
Reform UK’s leader Richard Tice has previously said his party will field candidates against every Conservative at the next election.
A spokesperson for Reform UK said two new candidates would be put forward after “some level of vetting.”
“We can’t afford to have people doing nothing in an election year,” the spokesperson said.
“They were inactive candidates and we need candidates who are active to give people the candidates they deserve.”
A spokesperson for the Conservative Party said: “If Reform UK wants to be taken seriously, why do their candidates not want any publicity for their campaigns in these seats in York?
“This just shows that Reform is not the answer.”
Seat under threat

In the general election expected this year, Labour’s Rachael Maskell and the Conservatives’ Julian Sturdy will defend their seats in York Central and York Outer respectively.
Ms Maskell has a majority of more than 13,500 and, considering Labour’s lead in national polling, will likely be re-elected.
Julian Sturdy’s seat is less safe for him as his majority is under 10,000, and with the Conservatives dropping significantly in the polls since 2019, he may lose his seat.
A YouGov poll of 18,000 voters released yesterday (Wednesday) predicted a 154-seat Labour victory.
One of the gains would be York Outer, where the poll predicted Conservatives on a 30%
share of the vote and Labour on 34%.
People campaigning for Labour to win the York Outer have often said it is a seat they need to win in order to get a majority at the next election.