Purpleman makes his big screen debut this month with a film which follows his “crazy search for inner happiness”.
The movie’s UK premiere will take place at City Screen on June 20, followed by a Q&A with PM himself.
City Screen, Coney Street
Mon Jun 20 @ 8.30pm
The first ticket to the 77-minute film was given to Dave Taylor, the city’s new Lord Mayor, in a special event which saw the Fishergate councillor’s hair painted purple.
Tickets are free, but viewers are encouraged to donate to Purpleman’s next Syrian orphans mission. Everyone is encouraged to wear purple.
Cllr Taylor said: “It’ll be a wacky evening but with an underlying message about the plight of refugees.
“Respect due to Purpleman for combining silliness with seriousness in such an entertaining way.”
“We never intended to make a movie but it was us enjoying ourselves so we decided to share the love with other people,” Purpleman told YorkMix.
“We filmed over two years in Yorkshire mainly. It was originally a fun thing but it started to look like a proper film so we decided to put it together as one.”
He said the movie also sells the city and county he calls home.
“It features many well known Yorkshire landmarks and people, plus stunning scenery, and makes York look even more stunning.
“It also features cameo roles for the four other men who have played Purpleman in the past – yes there are five Purplemen, all of whom will be present at the film premiere.”
Silly – and serious

The film finally reveals where Purpleman came from: Purpleland. In the movie, Purpleman ends up on Earth, but for some reason he has to return to homeland… which turns out to be his search for his own inner-happiness.
Rob said: “There is a bit in the film where a Buddhist monk talks to Purpleman and he talks about inner-happiness.
“After the silliness of the film, it comes out that the search is for this inner-happiness.
“It starts off as a bit of a silly film but it does get very serious. I’ve seen people crying at this film because it’s so real.”
Totally different

He added: “When people have viewed this film they go ‘Wow, what’s this?’. It’s so different, and it’s not like the stuff on television. It is totally different.”
Rob said: “We have created a film without rules and limitations, because we ate the movie-makers guide book.
“After the indigestion passed (you’ll hear this in the film!) the result is something that will inspire inner-joy in the viewer… after they have stopped crying from laughter.
“Kids will love this – young and old ones.”
Tickets may collected now from Stonegate shops Old Guys Rule or Pyramid Gallery during opening hours
Tickets may be collected from Purplemen in Stonegate: June 11, 18 and 19
Email your details to [email protected] and we can post tickets (last ticket orders for posting – June 17), or to reserve tickets to collect on the night