We never thought we’d see the day. Purpleman, the legendary York street entertainer who lives in a purple world of his own creation, has changed colour.
The man who says he looks the way he does because “mother is red and father is blue” has gone green.
In a colourful statement days before the General Election, he went from lilac to lime to show support for the Green Party in York’s council and general elections.
“Status quo politics do not interest me,” he said. “Doing the right thing does.
“Beneath the purple I’ve always had a green heart because it makes total sense to care for our home, the Earth.”

The Green Party’s candidate for the York Central constituency, Jonathan Tyler, has an office on Stonegate, Purpleman’s traditional performing ground.
“I’ve always called him ‘Mr Green’,” Purpleman said. “Jonathan is concerned about the quality of life and the environment.
“It has for example been a pleasure to watch ‘Mr Green’ challenging motorists abusing the footstreets of York. He has my full support and best wishes.”
Cycling and Syria
Purpleman has been on two missions to take toys to children made refugees by the war in Syria, and is a big advocate of green transport.
He debuted his off-colour look on Tuesday (May 5), complete with green bike, dog, shirt, trousers, jacket, hat, tie and ‘go faster’ coat, plus green glasses.
“Greenman” has this message for the voters…
York will be green all over if enough people follow their hearts and do the right thing, making the city a much happier and more positive place to live.
You control you so take responsibility and change your focus from what you can get to what can you give. Express the inner greenness you were born with.