A pub in York has had to close its doors to regulars after one of the landlords received an alert on the track and trace system telling him to isolate.
Mike Edmondson, who runs the Ackhorne in St Martin’s Lane along with his partner Ellie Gibson, told YorkMix he had decided it was the responsible thing to do, even though she could have carried on, on her own, while he went into self isolation in the upstairs flat.

The Ackhorne will remain closed until he gets the results of a test that he took today following an alert on the smartphone app which said he’d been in contact with someone who had been exposed to covid-19.
Mike said it was the right and responsible thing to do in the interests of all their customers.
He added that it was a difficult time to have to shut the pub but he hoped that people would understand.
Hopefully it will be a short period as he expects to get a result on his own test in the next few days and as he’s showing no symptoms he is optimistic that it will be negative.