There’s been a spike in the number of thefts from vehicles in and around Selby and the man in charge of neighbourhood policing says he’s directing more resources to stop it.
In an interview for YorkMix Radio Inspector Martin Wedgwood says there are more officers on patrol overnight to catch thieves
He also says that most incidents are happening when vehicles are not properly secure.
“In Selby we’ve been hit with what we call auto crime<” Insp Wedgwood said. “Vehicles that have been broken into, largely on the Staynor Hall estate but initially it happened on the Abbotsford estate as well.
“It is a top priority at the moment. We are talking about multiple offences with several different people already arrested.
“We recognise from Facebook and from other reports the impact it’s having in that community. Offences are still being committed, although not as regularly.
“And what is interesting is the vast majority of the offences are committed against vehicles that have been left insecure.

“So again, our message to the public is to secure your vehicle. But also we are putting some high visibility policing into that community as well to try and support and reassure the public that we are on to it.”
He said that officers were on the ground trying to catch the criminals with patrols working in the early hours of the morning.
“These offences are being committed predominantly between three and four o’clock in the morning, when most people are asleep in bed.”
He said that’s when police are out looking for the people committing the crimes.