History has come to life in York this weekend as the Romans take over the city.
The free Eboracum Roman Festival is on again today (Sunday, 9 July), where you can experience the sights and sounds of a Roman Encampment in Museum Gardens from 10am-5pm.
And you can take part in free Roman themed family activities between 11am-3pm, including storytelling, a treasure hunt and clay crafting.
The popular Kid’s Army and Gladiator School is back, giving children the chance to get involved with our exciting Roman re-enactments.
To explore fashion through the Roman age, join Lorie Ann from California’s Legion Six Victrix in Los Angeles to host a light-hearted look at ‘classical’ couture.
New this year is ‘Circus Maximus’, a chance for families to get creative with a range of hands-on activities, including making a hobby horse to enter in either the chariot race or equestrian dressage.

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