This is how a brand new York school will look.
Plans are in to demolish the existing Tang Hall Primary School and replace it with a modern building fit for future generations of children.
The L-shaped single-storey building would replace the current school on Sixth Avenue, built in the 1920s, which is set to be demolished under the plans. The Avenue Children’s Centre is not affected.
A design statement says: “The ground floor consists of the school reception and offices adjacent to the Early Years teaching spaces on the northern aspect of the building.
“Year 1 and 2 classrooms are on the southern and east aspect of the building, with the assembly hall provided on the eastern end of the building, alongside the school kitchen and plant room.
“Each year group has their own designated play area outside their teaching space.
“The infant and assembly hall look out onto a courtyard which is created by the double height assembly hall space and the retained existing building.”
The proposals include:
- The retention of the central office wing, as well as the Avenue Children’s Centre;
- The demolition of the existing school buildings during phase 1 and the northeastern wing during a subsequent phase;
- The use of temporary buildings during the demolition and construction phases;
- Erection of a replacement school building; and
- The provision of a new car park, including disabled, bicycle, and motorcycle parking.
In 2022 the Government revealed that Tang Hall Primary School had been prioritised for the School Rebuilding Programme and share in £1 billion of investment.
Prior to that York Central MP Rachael Maskell had called for investment in the school. She said: “The school had to introduce a new uniform that included hoodies and mittens for the children to be warm enough in their classes, but also recognise that in the summer the classrooms rapidly turn into greenhouses that are too hot to work in.”
The school is part of the Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust, which consulted widely on the plans before submitting the application.
You can read and comment on the plans here.