There’s hardly anything left of York’s Queen Street Bridge after demolition works this weekend.
Most of the bridge has gone, but one section is still in place.
Work to clear the bridge as part of the Station Gateway scheme is continuing. The temporary road through York Station has reopened on schedule after this weekend’s work.
A City of York Council spokesperson said: “The works this weekend progressed as planned and the removal of parts of the bridge has created the space needed to continue over the coming weeks, while allowing the temporary road to safely operate.”

These pictures show that one stretch of the bridge is still standing.
A City of York Council spokesperson said: “This area will provide a platform to install a piled retaining wall which will protect the City Walls before further work takes place.
“This activity will begin this week and will be contained within in the site area without the need for further closures.”

This structure has also been left standing.
The council spokesperson said: “In the coming weeks, Northern Gas Networks will come in to remove some gas apparatus which is on site.
“As planned, some of the bridge has been left in place to protect this until it is removed. As soon as it is removed this small area will be demolished offline without the need for a further closure.”
Cllr Pete Kilbane, transport lead at the council, said: “More progress was made this weekend with work taking place to remove Queen Street Bridge, which hasn’t been needed since the 1960s.
“The work this weekend has, as planned, freed up space for contractors to continue to safely remove what’s left of the bridge in the coming weeks, while allowing the temporary road to be open.
“People will notice a real difference in the area and there will be more to come as the project progresses.”
The Station Gateway project will transform the station frontage, to improve the transport interchange and revamp the public space around the station.
The scheme will also create an improved setting for the City Walls and other heritage buildings in the area.
Here are more pictures of the work to date.