Crime and anti-social behaviour on an estate in York continues to be a problem.
Now police say ‘plain clothes’ officers are being deployed in an attempt to crack down on issues that are driving some residents to despair.
Officers say parents and carers need to do their bit and make sure they know where their kids are and what they are up to.
A spokesperson for York Police said:
“Our officers are working hard to identify those key offenders who are responsible for committing crime and where appropriate take action to bring them to justice.
“High-visibility patrols will continue to take place daily and we would encourage residents to speak to officers about any concerns that they have.
“Plain clothed officers will also be patrolling to assist us in trying to catch offenders in the act.”
Police are also asking for public help too.
If a crime is taking place please call 999.
To pass information over the telephone dial 101, here you can talk to your local police officer, report a crime that does not need an emergency response, or obtain crime prevention advice.
(Note: Response times vary on this number with long waits during certain busy periods)
You can ask to remain anonymous and not receive a visit from a police officer.
Calling us isn’t the only way to inform police of incidents, you can now use the online reporting tool to report a crime that isn’t an emergency… head to
All reports made via this service will be treated in exactly the same way as when you call in.
As well as reporting crime and passing information police are also asking parents and carers to play their part by making sure you know where your children are going and what they are up to when not at school.
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