Water overtopping the Rawcliffe flood bank
Here’s an update from York councillor Darryl Smalley.
“A council engineer has been out to Clifton/Rawcliffe Ings. They have reported that whilst the water is overtopping, it is not causing much damage to the embankment.
“They will continue to monitor it. The gate was opened this morning to maximise the use of the Ings storage area.
“If the embankment is being damaged due to overtopping, it will not increase flood risk to any properties. It has been damaged in the past and the council will go in after the levels reduce to carry out repair work.”
River Ouse levels are expected to rise quickly to about 4.7m tonight, he said.
As posted earlier, a Facebook Live Q&A on the floods is taking place at 5pm tonight. The panel will be discussing flooding preparations, what to do when river levels rise and how to stay safe.
There’s more on www.york.gov.uk/floods.
Reader Louise Sharp, who sent the picture above of the Ouse overtopping Rawcliffe flood bank, said: “Rawcliffe residents have been assured that should the bank give way properties are not at risk.”