‘Stay off the booze’ – says York Gin!

Here’s an unusual plea from York Gin: ‘Stay off the booze!’
This is the advice it has posted on its website:
We’re taking the unusual step for a gin company to advise you to lay off the G&Ts on Monday and Tuesday.
With temperatures in York due to hit up to 39C, we’re advising you all to concentrate on keeping as cool as possible and hydrated.
Alcohol makes you sweat more, it makes you wee more – neither helps with hydration.
So our advice is: take a couple of days off the booze – and enjoy a double on Wednesday when it’s all over and it’s raining!
One of York Gin’s founding directors, Emma Godivala, said: “These temperatures are just crazy – and we think the best thing people can do is to concentrate on staying as cool as possible, and avoiding dehydration.
“We’re looking after our distillery and shop staff with extra air conditioners. We won’t be distilling any gin on Monday and Tuesday as it involves heating our copper still. And we’ll keep a watching brief on whether we need to take any other measures.”
She said everyone should “raise a G&T toast when it’s all over. We think by then we’ll all need a double.”