Bootham School students show resilience to score outstanding results
Students at Bootham School have received an impressive set of A-level results today.
More than 65% of grades are A*-B, and a number of individuals are celebrating outstanding academic success.
Irie Theyers, who will study Computer Science at Cambridge from September achieved 4 grades at A and A*.
Twins Lawrence and Douglas Brewer each achieved A and A* grades in each of their four subjects, as well as A* passes in their Extended Project Qualification (EPQ): they both go on to study physics at Durham and Warwick.
Katie Seager and Hannah Reid both achieved the highest possible results with 3 A* grades out of 3. In all, eleven students were rewarded with each of their grades at A or A*.
Head Deneal Smith said: “These results have been achieved with the lingering backdrop of Covid lockdowns and disrupted learning in these students’ formative years.
“There were no mitigations in place from the exam boards this year, unlike the past few years. In that context, this cohort have done tremendously well to exceed narrowly the last pre-pandemic results from 2019.
“Already, the vast majority of students have secured their places on competitive university courses, and we have also seen successes for students applying to prestigious apprenticeship schemes and music conservatoires.
“Alongside those who have received truly stellar results, we have a number of students who have overcome significant adversity in their battles with physical and mental health.
“Their achievements are just as impressive – if not more so – than those of the highest performing students, and a testament both to their resilience and to the pastoral and academic support of their teachers here at Bootham.”