Today marks a year since the first YouthStrike4Climate demonstration in York.
It was 15 February 2019 when young people first walked out of their classrooms and into St Helen’s Square protesting at the lack of action over the climate crisis.
Since then City of York Council has declared a climate emergency – and the protests have grown.
Today from 12.30pm-3pm (14 February) there’s another YouthStrike4Climate demonstration in the city centre, which doubles up as a celebration of a year of impressive action.
One of the organisers, Amelia Barber, said movement has been “life-changing.”
For Amelia these strikes are extremely important. “They show the solidarity and enthusiasm the younger generation can rally when protesting something of dire importance to them,” she said.
Over the last year this movement has grown significantly, with YouthStrike4Climate being joined 150 other countries in 4,500 locations.
Amelia said: “When you hear the extent to which this movement has expanded, I am generally overwhelmed by the passion in the fight against the climate crisis.
“Not only is it incredible to see the support against the climate crisis, but it has also introduced me to a whole new world of people, who have enriched my life significantly.”

And she told us her favourite memory of the year of YouthStrike4Climate demos:
I stood on the first floor of the Mansion House leaning out of the window with my camera trying to capture the crowd, who had assembled because of something I had organised with other teenagers.
The crowd ranged from babies to teenagers to the elderly and it was truly enlightening.
When I have my hi-vis on I feel truly happy to be a part of a movement which has had such a positive influence on the world and such an influence on me personally.
In key with Valentine’s Day, YouthStrike4Climate will be spreading their love of the Earth this strike today, while demanding the government take more action act to limit climate change.