A house on a York road at the centre of a neighbour’s dispute has gone on sale for £1 million.
The five-bedroom detached home is on Government House Road, off Water End.
This is described as ‘an enviable and quiet cul-de-sac’ by estate agents Hudson Moody, who are marketing the property.

Government House Road recently made headlines after residents in one house there attempted to fence off what they thought was their private drive.
But a neighbour objected, saying that this was a public road and they required access along it to reach their detached garage.
At a City of York Council planning meeting, councillors refuse to allow the fence and 2m high gates to be installed, saying it was a public road.
Now one of the homes on the former a Ministry of Defence estate has gone on sale for offers in excess of £1 million.

“The property is complimented by the unique neighbouring properties which have been transformed, having acquired the necessary planning consents, by their individual owners and offers an excellent opportunity to extend and develop,” the estate agent particulars say.
The house comes with generous bedrooms, two of which have en-suite facilities, in addition to a main bathroom. There’s a “superbly fitted kitchen” too.
The details say: “To the rear and side of the house are private lawned gardens with flagged patio area and a timber store shed.
“The house lies in a quiet and convenient location within easy reach of York city centre with pleasant walks along the riverbank.”
To see the full details, and book a visit to view the property, go to the Hudson Moody website.
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