Issued by City of York Council
City of York Council’s Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability will be asked to consider improvements to Low Green to make the area safer for pedestrians and cyclists travelling to school at a decision session on Tuesday 17 October.
The proposed changes would see the junction with Church Street realigned using a footway build-out. This would change of the angle of the junction meaning that cars would have to reduce their speed which will help to increase visibility.
This would be further improved as the footway build-out would also prevent vehicles from parking immediately at the junction. In addition to this a short section of footway widening would be undertaken to provide more space for pedestrians to pass on the narrow footway.
A consultation has taken place with local residents, the Parish Council, North Yorkshire Police, Copmanthorpe primary school and relevant councillors.
Of the 40 directly affected residents who received a consultation letter, six replied. The replies were mainly supportive of the principle of the proposals.
The highways scheme is included in the School Safety block of Transport Capital Programme for 2013/14 and is estimated to cost in the region of £9,000 including fees, less than the £12,000 originally budgeted for.
Cllr Dave Merrett, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability, said: “The council safe routes to school programme seeks to encourage and facilitate walking and cycling to school.
“This in turn helps to reduce car usage close to schools and increase safety. Schemes like this help to ensure that children who choose to walk or cycle to school are able to do so in the safest possible manner.”
To find out more about changing the way you travel in York go to the i-Travel York website.
To view the report go here.
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