A York delivery driver is living in a state of fear due to being targeted by a group of youths.
Hristo Ruiz has had three motorbikes stolen, has lost thousands of pounds, and is now looking to move house due to the anxieties caused.
The latest incident occurred on 16 December, when the group stole his motorbike from outside his home in the South Bank area.
Hristo captured the burglary on CCTV, which saw the five youngsters arrive on pushbikes to seize the vehicle.
This was the third time lucky for the gang, after they’d failed to carry out the theft twice prior.
The motorbike was later recovered less than a mile away in a dark corner, with the panels destroyed and cables cut.
This is the third motorbike that Hristo has had stolen in the last year.
The first was found, with major damage, but the other was never located.
Hristo told YorkMix that this group has been stealing bikes from all over the city, mainly targeting delivery drivers and university students.

He’s come into contact with the group so often now, he’s certain that it’s the same individuals each time.
“Honestly, they’re the same group of kids. I’m a delivery driver, I’ve been doing this job for three years. I’ve seen them when I was on my motorbike and they were spotting me laughing, screaming, stuff like that.
“Now I’ve been doing it for the last few months on a pushbike, because they destroyed my motorbikes, and I see them all the time. Every time I go out for delivery I see this group of kids covering their faces,” Hristo said.
More recently, the group have begun making threats towards Hristo, telling him they know where he lives and claiming they’ll stab him.
“They’ve screamed that they’re going to kill me or stab me, I’m an athletic person but how could I take on five of them?
“I think to myself, how do I go to work and live my life now?” Hristo explained.
He constantly feels unsafe in his own city, and this is massively affecting his mental health.
Hristo is finding it difficult to sleep due to worries, and is experiencing paranoia: “I’m feeling so many negative emotions, it’s very overwhelming.
“If I’m sleeping and I get a notification, or I hear something, I wake up and have to check the door. I’m paranoid about going to the shop, or leaving my house. They’ve threatened me with my life,” Hristo said.
Police aware
North Yorkshire Police have been made aware of the incidents, but Hristo believes the group continue to get away with their crimes.
“I report all the incidents to the police and give them all the information, not only me, other other people who have suffered through these crimes have reported them.
“I give them names, addresses, pictures. But I feel that the Police don’t do anything, and it’s very frustrating.” Hristo explained.
A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police gave this statement:
“The theft of a Kawasaki motorbike occurred last Monday (16 Dec), which was stolen at 7.30pm and recovered by the owner at 9pm. Enquiries are ongoing (no arrests). We’d urge anyone with information to contact us on 101, sharing reference number NYP16122024-0440.”
The frustrations and fears that these incidents have caused Hristo have led him to look elsewhere to live.
He feels he has no other option but to move, as the group knows who he is and where he lives, and he’s lost enough money trying to deal with them himself.
“This year these kids probably have cost me about four grand of my income, just with damage and time of work. And that’s just money, I don’t care about money but it is very important,” he said.
If you can help police with the ongoing investigation, get in touch with them on 101.