Issued by City of York Council
Following consultation with residents, cycle groups and key partners last year, City of York Council will be asking the Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability to approve a revised cycling network and prioritised list of cycle schemes.
Approximately 50 responses were received during the consultation period, which ended in September last year, which will help towards achieving an effective network of cycling routes in York in the future.
Following feedback, the network has been revised to reinstate some of the links to smaller rural villages which would otherwise have been taken off the map. Additional schemes suggested by members of the public were also taken into consideration.
The council adopted the current proposed network 17-years ago in 1996 when York became a unitary authority. A great deal has changed in the intervening period both in terms of new developments and through land use changes.
For these reasons a decision was taken by the Cabinet Member, Cllr Dave Merrett to review the network. Following an internal review the cabinet Member took a decision in May that the revised citywide cycling network be taken out to a city-wide consultation.
Cllr Dave Merrett, Cabinet Member for Transport, Planning and Sustainability, said: “Residents have said in surveys that their number one priority in terms of cycling in York is for the council to provide joined up continuous well designed cycle routes. We’ve listened to everyone’s feedback and thank them for their suggestions, which have been fed into this proposed cycle network for the city.
“Once adopted, the cycling network proposal will be incorporated in the Local Plan and the council will then seek to implement it over the 15-year plan period and beyond. We have already taken some initial steps with the new inbound cycle lanes on Holgate Road and Blossom Street which were high on residents’ priority list.”
The revised network will fill the gaps in the current network and provide additional and continuous routes across and around the city for all types of journey purpose over the plan period and beyond.
If approved, the new cycle network will be taken to the Local Plan Working Group in April and then Cabinet, also in April. Once adopted, the network will be used to shape future development across the city. The prioritised list will be used to inform the future years’ cycling infrastructure element of the transport capital programme.
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