A shop renowned for its ethical policies has come under fire for not being green enough.
The Body Shop in the Coppergate Centre has plans to update its look.
Proposals are in with City of York Council to replace the existing fascia and projecting sign, and replace them with illuminated versions.

On the face of it, the changes seem innocuous enough. But the Guildhall Planning Panel has submitted an objection on behalf of a shop customer.
In a statement the panel says: “The open door policy, as given in the design and access statement, is not environmentally acceptable.”
Planning documents do indeed state that double doors “will be in hold open position during trading hours to provide for greater accessibility”.
This puts the Body Shop into a quandary. It promotes its ethical credentials, and says on its website: “The Body Shop has been a leader in social and environmental justice for over 40 years.
“We’re dedicated to being the most ethical, sustainable, inclusive and inspiring company we can be.”
Its proposals will be decided by City of York Council at a later date.
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