Issued by City of York Council
City of York Council, York in Recovery and Recovery Rocks is delighted to present a celebration of recovery in The Chapter House, York Minster on Wednesday 9 October at 11am.
Recovery Rocks is a singing group from The Cyrenians’ Addiction and Recovery Service Oaktrees Project, which is an abstinence based day treatment centre for people with drug and alcohol addictions. Everyone who is part of Recovery Rocks is in recovery and is abstinent.
Recovery Rocks sing songs that are uplifting and reflect something of the life and journey that people in recovery have experienced, the joy of recovery and the discovery of a positive life without drugs and alcohol.
City of York Council’s cabinet member for Health, Housing and Adult Social Services, Councillor Tracey Simpson-Laing said: “The concert is a great chance to celebrate the success of the journey of recovery experienced by many people in York.
“I imagine having the opportunity to share personal stories with the public in such a beautiful setting will be the realising of dreams for many.”
Leigh Bell, Public Health Substance Misuse Strategic Lead for City of York Council said: “Recovery Rocks is an amazing opportunity for members of the recovery community to share their story with the public through the power of song.
“To be able to perform in such a high profile venue as York Minster is particularly poignant and makes the recovery journey even more visible to the people of York; demonstrating people in recovery can get better.”
Andy Ryan, Operational Manager, The Cyrenians’ Oaktrees York project, said: “Events like this are fantastic for the people taking part and for the community.
“It’s a real collective approach to celebrate recovery and help people understand that people can and do recover from addiction. Performing helps boost participants’ confidence and self esteem too, plus it’s great to be together performing in this way.
“It’s wonderful to be part of something so special.”
Tickets to the performance are free, but are limited. To reserve your tickets telephone 01904 621776 or send the organisers an email.
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