A York MP has called for the return of rent controls as tenants faced with spiralling housing costs are being forced out of the city.
Rachael Maskell urged ministers to take action to curb rents as they were causing hardship and misery for many.
The Labour MP for York Central was speaking in a parliamentary debate on a government White Paper that aims to make the rented sector fairer.
Under the plans, tenants will have stronger powers to challenge poor practice and unjustified rent increases.
But Ms Maskell said the many people in York in private rented housing want more action.
She said: “Nearly a quarter of my constituents live in the private rented sector and they simply cannot afford to do so.
“They do not want to be in the private rented sector, but there is not enough social stock and buying is too expensive. Therefore, they are trapped.”
More evictions

There’s been an increase in landlords asking tenants to leave at the end of tenancy agreements so they can get someone else in paying a higher amount.
“Now not only are they seeing section 21 evictions, but, with rental costs the highest in the north, at £945 per month on average, people are having to leave the area, which impacts on the economy as well as on their lives,” Ms Maskell said.
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“Will the Minister reconsider the issue of rent controls because the pace that rents are rising is forcing people out of my city?”
Housing minister Eddie Hughes said: “I have to be blunt and say, ‘Under no circumstances’ – that is simply not a Conservative policy and it is not something we are going to pursue.
“The White Paper contains some things that will be helpful to the hon. Lady’s constituents, such as abolishing rent review clauses. Abolishing section 21 means that people should not have to move property so frequently and will save money that way.”
He added that building more social housing would make a difference to Ms Maskell’s York constituents.
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