HLGBT York is back to wow the city with their evening event and art exhibition, Metaphysical Shakespeare.
Following the success of their first exhibition in February, the organisation has once again decided to promote and celebrate their ethos of inclusivity through the work of an established and talented artist.
This time, it is the turn of iconoclastic French painter Jean-Noel Vandaele.

Throughout Vandaele’s new series, Yellow Head, he has reworked a set of established artistic themes, calling into question the traditional artistic standards that the art world often takes for granted.
The work is set in the Edo period of Japan’s artistic flowering (1603-1868), and according to the artist is “of no time, space, gender, or even real body, Yellow Head transcends all, travelling in the imagination, visiting art throughout the ages.”
See for yourself on Saturday 30 September at the Blue Boar on Castlegate, or find more information on the organisation’s website.