York school students are to form a human chain linked with blue and yellow ribbon to show solidarity with Ukraine.
The unique demonstration of support takes place from 10am tomorrow (Wednesday), one week on since the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army that has resulted in countless deaths and terrible destruction.
The chain will be formed by around 2,000 pupils from All Saints RC School. They will set off at 10am and travel throughout the city – along Micklegate, Bridge Street and Coney Street, ending at York Minster.
YorkMix spoke to head teacher Sharon Beardsley about ‘The Prayer Chain of Peace’.
“I got an email form the head of Key Stage 4 saying one of the students had been in touch saying we are a Catholic school – we should be doing something about what is going on in Ukraine,” she said.
“Pope Francis had asked that the world pray for peace in Ukraine on Wednesday. It’s short notice but let’s organise something.”
Sharon also mentioned they will be raising money for a charity supporting Ukraine by holding a non-uniform day.

She added: “We have forms in our school like all schools – however ours are named after saints. One of our form saints is named after Oscar Romero, and his values were about justice.
“I think it’s our students recognising standing up for what is right and standing up for justice.”