York City fans have taken to social media to express their feelings after chairman Jason McGill and CEO Jackie McNamara stood down.
After the news broke on Tuesday (March 27), the City faithful took to Facebook and Twitter to give vent to their feelings.
Scrolling through the various Facebook and Twitter feeds you feel a sense of optimism, but with a big cloud of worry, panic and uncertainty…
Holiday celebrations
Jackie’s next job
Yes it’s true I’m leaving York and looking back to get into football management at a level that my skills and knowledge would be a perfect fit. With that in mind I’ve applied for the position of Blind Scotland Subbuteo under 16’s Manager. I feel I could make a difference! #ycfc pic.twitter.com/PdOISnKuB6
— Y Front (@YfrontFanzine) March 27, 2018
Putin calling
Jason & Jackie suddenly disappear in a hurry just as Russian diplomats around the world are sent home. Coincidence? #ycfc
— Phil Neilson (@Pjneilo) March 27, 2018
Fans try to hide their grief
Jackie has gone? #ycfc pic.twitter.com/J8L1dA99z8
— Charlotte (@lotslottie16) March 27, 2018
So Jackie McNamara has left #ycfc Let's take a moment to remember all the good things he did for the club… 1) He left 2) And 3) That's 4) All
— Paul Nicholson (@pablo100) March 27, 2018
An infinite number of monkeys sitting at an infinite number of typewriters could never, ever produce a sweeter sentence#YCFC pic.twitter.com/9yCGP96Tpc
— Tim Garrett (@tmgrrtt) March 27, 2018
Looking to the future
Right now where finally rid of jackie, this is the time for all the stay away fans to come back and make us stronger #ycfc
— dean benson (@deanycfc) March 27, 2018
An annoying spot on the face of #ycfc has miraculously disappeared. It's going to take a lot of effort & hard work to get this club back to where it belongs but the horizon just got a whole lot clearer. It starts now. The future is ours.
— Spirit of Eighty Four (@YCSP84) March 27, 2018
In all seriousness though, now is the time we must show how much we this club means to us. A poison has been cleansed and now we can rebuild, but first we must get behind to lads starting tonight! For the first time in a while, I'm buzzing, and can finally see some light! #ycfc pic.twitter.com/JmBmI4ZGyd
— The Happy Wanderer (@HappyWanderer55) March 27, 2018
Enjoy the moment people, however we have a huge mountain to climb. For one reason or another changes have been made, time to step up, fight for this club. Take this optimism into the new ground and give ourselves a future we can be proud of. #ycfc ??
— TWS (@ycfc_TWS) March 27, 2018
Really great news from @YorkCityFC on the new board. A fresh outlook with varied board members each skilled in their own area. Surely an improvement on the Jason/Jackie combo! #ycfc
— RainbowChaser (@RainbowCh4ser) March 27, 2018
The men responsible for dragging the club to the lowest ebb in it's history. Good riddance. Fingers crossed for more prudent and responsible stewardship from now on. #YCFC https://t.co/55BxKODBa5
— The Waggon & Horses. (@WaggonYork) March 27, 2018
A new era begins and yes we are full of positivity here but also we now need a guidance. Having read the statement we need that new owner sooner than later and now THAT does worry. We said in the podcast its quite exciting but also right now this does worry #ycfc
— Shippo Podcast (@shippo_podcast) March 27, 2018
Fears for the club
SOS. Desperately seeking the silver lining in the dark cloud which envelopes York City. Today the Chairman resigned. Good news, he took the CEO with him. Strong rumour that The Samaritans are opening a branch at Bootham Crescent. #ycfc #jmpackaging #nationalleaguenorth pic.twitter.com/Y3gEjeh4uA
— Graham Accountants (@Grahamaccounts1) March 27, 2018
All i can see is people celebrating, but i'm confused now as to whos paying the massive wage bill we have? The trust?? ??? #ycfc
— riane (@reeee1993) March 27, 2018
Gratitude to JM
Not having this as a happy day. I don’t care about Jackie he’s never really been part of our club. Jason on the other hand was, he’s taken us to places I’d thought were lost! Thank you Jason for all you’ve done, the ending may have been sour but you’ve been great! #ycfc
— Jim Calverley (@JimCalverley) March 27, 2018
A lone voice
McNamara is innocent #justiceforjackie #ycfc
— Ash Taylor (@ashtaylor95) March 27, 2018