Once the car park has gone from the base of York’s castle, what should happen to the space?
Well, this visualisation suggests a whole range of uses, including an events area, garden and river walk.
It has been created by designers from BDP – Matt Costa and James Millington – in response to public input into the Castle Gateway consultation.
These ideas are not set in stone. Instead they are a suggestion as to how space could be allocated for the many different activities put forward for the area around Clifford’s Tower.
Space has been earmarked for:
- clear access and arrival routes from Castlegate towards the Castle Museum and Clifford’s Tower
- an events space in the centre of the Castle Car Park
- an extended green area from the motte into the new public space
- a quiet space outside the Last Drop on the Female Prison, which maybe a potential area of change in the future, if the museum expands
- an area with distinct character alongside the Foss with a river walk
- informal play
- controlled access to the court and turning space for court traffic
- controlled access for the Hilton and servicing for the Coppergate Centre
- a formal space for cultural activities between the court and museum buildings
- new trees and other planting.
There is also potential for a new fountain.
What do you think?

The BDP sketch imagines how the area could accommodate the new leisure uses while still meeting the needs of the museum, the courts and the Coppergate Centre.
It follows the extensive My Castle Gateway project, commissioned by City of York Council to engage with local people and harness their thoughts and ideas.
The big question now is – what do you think? Residents are asked to give their feedback via this blog, or by following the My Castle Gateway Twitter and Facebook channels.
“These are ideas in response to what residents have told us,” said Cllr Nigel Ayre, executive member for finance and performance.
“And they ask even more important questions, like whether the mix of uses is right, and whether the Eye of York should stay as it is or become an open air museum or exhibition space?
“We want residents to help answer those questions so please take a look and get involved in the conversation.”
This feedback will then allow detailed proposals and options to be developed and shared with the public through the spring, with a planning application to be submitted in the summer.
My Castle Gateway has already led to plans being put forward to transform the area, including creating community and business space on Piccadilly, new walkways and cycle-routes, and a bridge over the Foss.
The public realm work is moving ahead after the council secured planning permission for a multi-storey car park and public space on St George’s Field, and a residential development and pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Foss at Castle Mills.