Plans for 114 affordable homes near Tadcaster Road have been blocked amid concerns over its impact on traffic, Green Belt land and a neighbouring football club.
Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust’s application for the homes, off Sim Balk Lane opposite York College, was refused by City of York Council’s planning committee on Wednesday.
Robert Waite, the applicant’s agent, told councillors the development would provide much-needed affordable homes for local people.
But objectors said building homes close to York College and the White Rose Park football ground could fuel congestion and cause issues for sports teams and the nearby Askham Bog.
Plans from the housing association proposed building 14 one to three-bedroom bungalows, 27 two-bedroom, 68 three-bedroom and 15 four-bedroom homes.
A total of 68 of those would have been rented at social rates with the rest earmarked for shared ownership.
They included homes designed to be fully wheelchair accessible.

The applicant’s agent Mr Waite said the family home development would feature 1.3ha of open space and it would be near York College and the Askham Bar Tesco.
The agent said: “These homes would all be affordable, making an important contribution to the highest priority of housing needed in the local market.
“The overall effect of traffic is considered to be neutral.
“Rather than shutting the door on the positive potential of these plans, we hope they can be supported.”
Routes ‘unsafe’
But council planning officers recommended that the committee refuse the plans, ruling that routes to the sites were unsafe, indirect and inconvenient.
They also ruled the plans did not do enough to encourage public transport use or walking and cycling and the impact of more cars had not been adequately assessed.
Officers also ruled questions remained over proposals to let surface water run off into a nearby watercourse while parts of the design were found to be visually unattractive.
Councillors heard a traffic assessment had been carried out in April after an intial one took place when York College students were away for summer holidays.
The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust also objected over the potential impact on greenbelt land.
Councillors heard there were concerns from the Bishopthorpe White Rose football club about future residents getting onto the neighbouring pitch and how match day traffic would be managed.

Dringhouses and Woodthorpe ward’s Cllr Stephen Fenton said the site had a number of drawbacks.
The Liberal Democrat said: “I support the provision of much-needed affordable housing, but this doesn’t justify approval for this site.
“There’s very concerning highways feedback and bus stops at Askham Bar are 500m away from the furthest parts of the site.
“Yorkshire Wildlife Trust also have concerns about the impact on Askham Bog which is a Site of Special Scientific Interest.”