A York nursery has ‘kind, caring and friendly’ staff but still requires improvement, Ofsted said.
They inspected York Montessori Nursery on Hospital Fields Road on 26 June, and their report has just been published.
Inspectors have noted the things the nursery does well and areas where it requires improved.
Ofsted gave these ratings for the nursery:
- Overall effectiveness – Requires improvement
- The quality of education – Requires improvement
- Behaviour and attitudes – Requires improvement
- Personal development – Requires improvement
- Leadership and management – Requires improvement.
It was rated Good at the last inspection.
“Staff are kind, caring and friendly. They have good relationships with children and know how to promote children’s emotional well-being,” the report says.
“Overall, children’s behaviour is positive and they respond well to the praise offered by staff.”
Issues needing improvement included:
- Weaknesses in the risk assessment procedures. Although staff identify risks in the outdoor area and log this on the written safety check, they do not always share the information with other staff.
- Staff are not consistently deployed to meet older children’s learning needs
- The quality of education is variable and inconsistent for children across the nursery.
What the nursery does well includes:
- Staff who work with babies have a clear understanding of how to build secure foundations for future learning
- Staff provide one-to-one support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities
- Staff consistently promote children’s self-help skills and independence
- The manager and staff team have good partnerships with parents and other professionals.
York Montessori Nursery has 132 children aged 0-4 on their roll and employs 21 members of childcare staff.
You can read the full report below.