York’s Conservative group leader has urged people to respond to a consultation about plans to dual a stretch of the A64 north-east of York.
Strensall ward councillor Paul Doughty and fellow ward campaigner Sian Wiseman have said there will be major changes for residents and they want to ensure their voices are heard by National Highways.
“We believe many people are unclear what the project proposals could mean to them.”
The road frequently experiences heavy congestion, particularly during weekend and holiday periods.
Three different options to improve the Hopgrove roundabout and create a new dual carriageway to link up with the existing stretch of dual carriageway at Barton le Willows have been drawn up.
Coun Doughty and Ms Wiseman said: “Most people are keen on the dualling of the A64 to improve safety, capacity and journey times.
“We know what a bottleneck this is and the way this holds back potential regional investment through inadequate road infrastructure but we believe many people are unclear what the project proposals could mean to them and we think both National Highways and the city council need to work together more closely on this.”
The proposals will have implications for roads outside the project boundary, such as Hopgrove Lane South and North Lane at Huntington, and the pair urged road chiefs and the council to work together “to avoid solving a problem in one area but creating others to other local road networks”.
A left-hand filter lane at Hopgrove Lane South to ease the congestion, for example, should be reconsidered, they said.
“The congestion at this location could become much worse by the greater proposals so it’s imperative the council look at this again,” they added.
Cllr Doughty is also seeking assurances that the bus service through Stockton-on-the-Forest will be protected.
York Outer MP Julian Sturdy has written to Transdev who operate the Coastliner service.
Mr Sturdy and Cllr Doughty have also pushed National Highways to carry out more engagement exercises so residents are fully informed.
The consultation closes on Monday, September 5.
For more information go to https://highwaysengland.citizenspace.com/he/a64-hopgrove/
There is a final online consultation event taking place on TONIGHT (September 1, 6pm – 7pm) but you must register online first.
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