Two parishes near Bedale, have received £7k from Hambleton District Council’s Making a Difference Fund to help with improvements to their villages.
Tanfield Parish Council was awarded £5K for additional play equipment and alterations to the existing Mayton Trim Trail. The equipment has been designed for children of all ages.
Whilst Snape with Thorp parish council was given £2K towards improvements to the village green and grass verges
Councillor David Webster who supported the applications said: “It’s always good to see that our small grants can make a real difference to communities across Hambleton and helps to improve village life.
“Improving the play area is a real boost for our young people in Tanfield, and in Snape the improvement work will stop motorists driving over the grass verges which will not only protect the grass but also stop the drainage system from getting blocked causing flooding.
Cash for the Making a Difference scheme comes from ongoing cost savings that councillors are reinvesting into the local community. Each scheme must meet one of the council’s key priorities – driving economic vitality, enhancing health and wellbeing, caring for the environment and providing a special place to live. And each must show that there is community involvement and represents value for money.
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